NDIAS Faculty Fellows


  • Eman Abdelhadi (University of Chicago), Faculty Fellow, "Impossible Futures: Why Women Leave Muslim American Communities"
  • Kimberly Hope Belcher (University of Notre Dame), Teaching Lab Fellow, "Rhythms of Faith: Liturgy, Music, and Creativity"
  • Catherine E. Bolten (University of Notre Dame), Faculty Fellow, “Taking Youth Seriously: Moral Panics and Young Men in Sierra Leone”
  • Kathleen Sprows Cummings (University of Notre Dame), Teaching Lab Fellow, "Global Catholicism"
  • Megan Heffernan (DePaul University), Faculty Fellow, "Resilient Books: Archival Science in an Age of Precarity"
  • Luke Kemp (Centre for the Study of Existential Risk), Faculty Fellow, "Societal Complexity and Control in the Long Run"
  • Paul Kollman, C.S.C. (University of Notre Dame), Teaching Lab Fellow, "Global Catholicism"
  • Marcus Kreuzer (Villanova University), Faculty Fellow, "Longue Durée Analysis: Elongating Time to Explore Macro-Historical Questions"
  • J.J. Wright (University of Notre Dame), Teaching Lab Fellow, "Rhythms of Faith: Liturgy, Music, and Creativity"
  • Jessica Zu (University of Southern California), Faculty Fellow, "Karma, Science, and a Just Society: Buddhist Philosophical Toolboxes for Post-Racial and Post-Caste Worldmaking"


  • Thom Browne (Fashion Designer), Artist in Residence
  • Emmalon Davis (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Faculty Fellow, “Paradoxes of Resistance: Maria Stewart's Public Political Philosophy”
  • Brett Gadsden (Northwestern University), Faculty Fellow, "From Protest to Politics: How African Americans Transformed the Presidency"
  • Eliza Gettel (Villanova University), Faculty Fellow, “Between Federation and Empire: The Koinon in Roman Hellas”
  • Gregory Haake (University of Notre Dame), Faculty Fellow/Pampusch Scholar, “Xenophobia/Xenophilia: The Stranger and French Identity in the Early Modern Era”
  • Karrie Koesel (University of Notre Dame), Teaching Lab Fellow, “Global Asia”
  • Elisabeth Köll (University of Notre Dame), Teaching Lab Fellow, “Global Asia”
  • Carlos Lozada (The New York Times), Practitioner in Residence
  • Theresa Rocha Beardall (University of Washington), Faculty Fellow, “Transactional Policing and the Political Economy of Public Safety”
  • Mechtild Widrich (School of the Art Institute of Chicago), Faculty Fellow, “Shifting Audiences: Monuments as Public Histories”


  • Scott Barton (New York University), Faculty Fellow, "Feeding the Gods: Sacred Nagô Culinary Culture in Northeastern Brazil"
  • Reginald Dwayne Betts (Lawyer and Poet), Artist in Residence
  • Jennifer Forestal (Loyola University Chicago), Faculty Fellow, "Mute, Block, Unfollow: Technology, Democracy, and the Politics of Opting Out"
  • John Golden (The University of Texas at Austin School of Law), Faculty Fellow, "Resilient Legal Systems for Innovation, Risk Regulation, and Democratic Governance"
  • Jason McLachlan (University of Notre Dame), Faculty Fellow, “Managing Resilient Landscapes”
  • Mary Frances Phillips (Lehman College, City University of New York), Faculty Fellow, "Sister Love: Ericka Huggins, Spiritual Activism, and the Black Panther Party"
  • John Schwenkler (Florida State University), Faculty Fellow/Pampusch Scholar, "Resilient Self Belief"
  • Roy Scranton (University of Notre Dame), Teaching Lab Fellow, "Environmental Humanities"
  • LaKisha Simmons (University of Michigan), Faculty Fellow, "Labor, Love, and Loss: Black Women, Their Children, and the Ancestors"
  • Rebecca Stumpf (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Faculty Fellow, "Increasing Resilience in Western Uganda and Beyond: Identifying, Predicting, and Preventing Pathogen and Anti-Microbial Resistance Transmission"


  • Pete Buttigieg (Politician), Faculty Fellow, "Principles of Trust for the 2020s"
  • Katlyn Carter (University of Notre Dame), Faculty Fellow, "Truth and Trust in the Age of Revolutions”
  • Ted Chiang (Science Fiction Writer), Artist in Residence
  • Sara Konrath (Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy), Faculty Fellow, “Changes over Time in Empathic, Generous, and Trusting Behaviors in the United States”
  • Barbara Lauriat (King's College London), Faculty Fellow, “Global Arbiters of Reasonableness and Selectors of Standards--Technology and Trust”
  • Richard Leider (Inventure: The Purpose Company), Public Fellow
  • Aaron Michka (University of Michigan), Faculty Fellow/Pampusch Scholar, “Un-Islamic: Christian Life and Religious Difference in an Upper Egyptian Society”
  • Mutale Nkonde (Berkman Klein Center of Internet and Society at Harvard University), Faculty Fellow, “Facial Recognition Tool Kit: A Guide for Black and Other Advocates of Color”
  • Hollie Nyseth Brehm (The Ohio State University), Faculty Fellow, “Reentry and Reintegration of People Convicted of Genocide”
  • Robert Orsi (Northwestern University), Faculty Fellow, “Give Us Boys”
  • Michael Robillard (University of Oxford), Faculty Fellow, “Privacy, Social Knowledge, and Accountability: Building Trustworthy Institutions in the Age of Big Data”
  • Walter J. Scheirer (University of Notre Dame), Faculty Fellow, “Those Who See, Think They Know Beyond Mistake: Visual Media and Trust”
  • Thomas W. Simpson (University of Oxford), Faculty Fellow, “Faith, Flag, Family: Sources of Civic Trust”
  • Denise Walsh (University of Virginia), Faculty Fellow, “Weaponizing Rights: The Politics of Debating Culture and Women’s Rights in Liberal States”


  • Philip Bess (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "After Burnham: The Notre Dame Plan of Chicago 2109"
  • Eileen M. Hunt (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Three Political Science Fictions: Apocalypse, Nature, and Lovelessness”
  • Faisal Husain (Pennsylvania State University), Residential Fellow, “Water and Power in the Ottoman Tigris-Euphrates Basin”
  • Debra Javeline (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Coastal Homeowners in a Changing Climate”
  • Heather Keenleyside (University of Chicago), Residential Fellow, “The Literary History of Ideas: Thoughts as Things in Eighteenth-Century Literature”
  • Robert Latiff (George Mason University), Residential Fellow, “Future Peace: Resisting War in a Networked World”
  • Jin Lu (Purdue University Northwest), Residential Fellow, “Chinese Soul in Global Catholicism: Chinese Catholic Intellectuals before Vatican II (1912-1965)”
  • Casey Lurtz (Johns Hopkins University), Residential Fellow, “Fomenting Development: Latin America’s Economic Experiments in the Post-Independence Era”
  • Jonathan Marks (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Director's Fellow, "Why Are There Still Creationists?"
  • Janne Matláry (University of Oslo), Director's Fellow, "Reasserting Nation and State? Europe at a Cross-Roads"
  • Yuliya Minets (Princeton University), Residential Fellow, “Holy Men Speaking: Languages and Authority in the Ancient Mediterranean”
  • Evan Ragland (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Remaking the World: Experiment, Ambition, and the Good of Knowing Nature in Early Modern Europe”
  • Joshua Stuchlik (University of St. Thomas), Residential Fellow, “Intention and Wrongdoing”
  • Claire Wendland (University of Wisconsin Madison), Residential Fellow, “Partial Stories: Maternal Death in a Changing African World”


  • Fredrik Albritton Jonsson (University of Chicago), Residential Fellow, "Fossil Futures: Growth, Energy, and Ideology in Britain at the End of the Holocene 1800-1900"
  • Harvey Brown (University of Oxford), Director's Fellow, "Probability and Entropy"
  • William T. Cavanaugh (DePaul University), Residential Fellow, "Disenchantment and Idolatry"
  • John Deak (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "The State of Exception and the Fall of the Habsburg Monarchy in the First World War"
  • Daniel B. Hinshaw (University of Michigan), Residential Fellow, "Kenosis and the Mystery of Life"
  • Andrey V. Ivanov (University of Wisconsin–Platteville), Residential Fellow, "A Spiritual Revolution: The Impact of Reformation and Enlightenment in Orthodox Russia, 1700-1825"
  • Ulrich L. Lehner (Marquette University ), Director's Fellow, "Catholic Reform Revisited"
  • Lisa Mueller (Macalester College), Residential Fellow, "Political Conflict as a Catalyst of Reform: Comparative Protest Outcomes in Africa"
  • Avishalom Tor (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Towards a Fuller Understanding of Inequality: From Psychology to a Behaviorally-Informed Legal Policy"
  • Thomas Tweed (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Religion in the Lands That Became America: From the Ice Age to the Digital Age"
  • Laura Dassow Walls (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Children of the Fire: The Many Lives of American Transcendentalism"
  • Johanna Winant (West Virginia University), Residential Fellow, "Lyric Logic: American Modernism and the Problem of Induction"
  • Alexandre Zagoskin (Loughborough University), Residential Fellow, "Schrödinger’s Elephants and Quantum Slide Rules: From Quantum Physics to Quantum Engineering"


  • Kaya Şahin (Indiana University), Residential Fellow
  • Susan D. Blum (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Wellbeing, Suffering, and Schooling"
  • Harvey Brown (University of Oxford), Residential Fellow, "The Meaning of Probability in Physics"
  • Eric J. Chaisson (Harvard University; Smithsonian Institution), Director's Fellow, "Giving Back: Cosmology Applications for Human Society"
  • Francis X. Clooney, S.J. (Harvard Divinity School), Residential Fellow, "From (Hindu) Ritual to (Catholic) Theology: Two Exercises in Slow Reading Across Religious Borders"
  • Xinyu Dong (University of Chicago), Residential Fellow, "Ernst Lubitsch Goes to China: The Art of Ellipsis in the Age of World Cinema"
  • Patrick Griffin (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "The Age of Atlantic Revolution(s): An Interpretation"
  • Tomáš Halík (Charles University), Director's Fellow, "The Theological Hermeneutics of Contemporary History, Society, and Culture"
  • Luc Jaeger (University of California, Santa Barbara), Residential Fellow, "Zoe, Bios, Psyche, and the Quest for True Life"
  • Robin M. Jensen (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "The Intercessory Image: Christians and the Potency of Material Objects"
  • Claire Taylor Jones (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Washing the Altars: Shaping Religious Community in Medieval Holy Week Ritual"
  • Henrike Christiane Lange (University of California, Berkeley), Residential Fellow, "Giotto’s Triumph: The Arena Chapel and the First Beginning of the Renaissance"
  • Bernard McGinn (University of Chicago Divinity School), Residential Fellow, "Mysticism in Catholic Italy, Germany, and France, 1500-1650"
  • Tom McLeish (Durham University), Director's Fellow, "The Poetry and Music of Science: A Comparison of Creativity in the Arts and Sciences"
  • Elaine Stratton Hild (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg), Residential Fellow, "A Performative Empire: Ottoman Imperial Ceremonies, 1520-1566"


  • John Betz (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “From Metaphysics to Christology: The Intellectual Path of Erich Przywara, S.J. (1889-1972)”
  • Catherine E. Bolten (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Unknowing the World: Humans, Chimpanzees, and Climate Change in Sierra Leone"
  • David Ciepley (University of Denver), Residential Fellow, “Our Corporate Civilization and Its Neoliberal Crisis”
  • David Bentley Hart (St. Louis University), Director's Fellow, "Emergence and Formation: The Limits of Mechanism"
  • Katie Jarvis (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Citizenship as Social Experience: Economics, Gender, and Politics in Revolutionary France”
  • Mary Ellen Konieczny (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Service Before Self: Organization, Cultural Conflict, and Religion at the U.S. Air Force Academy”
  • Ian Kuijt (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “New Walls, Good Fences, and Nice Neighbors? Considering the Origins of Privacy”
  • Leslie Lockett (Ohio State University), Residential Fellow, “The Old English Soliloquies and Anglo-Saxon Constructions of Augustine of Hippo”
  • Alexander M. Martin (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “A Man of Two Empires: J.A. Rosenstrauch's Odyssey in the Holy Roman Empire and Tsarist Russia”
  • Koritha Mitchell (Ohio State University), Residential Fellow, “From Slave Cabins to the White House: Homemade Citizenship in African American Culture"
  • Haruko Momma (New York University), Residential Fellow, “The Pragmatics of Purgatory in Old English Literature”
  • Stephen Osadetz (Harvard University), Residential Fellow, “On Principle: Newton to Coleridge”
  • Paul Ramírez (Northwestern University), Residential Fellow, “Salt of God: A Religious History of Mexico”
  • John Sitter (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Sustaining Literature: Swift, Pope, and Johnson in Our Climate”
  • Mariusz Tabaczek (Graduate Theological Union), Residential Fellow, “Dispositional Metaphysics: In Search of Ontology for a Scientific Age”


  • Diego De Brasi (University of Marburg), Residential Fellow, "The Relation of Body, Mind and Soul in Lactantius’ De opificio Dei, Gregory of Nyssa’s De hominis opificio and Nemesios of Emesa’s De natura hominis"
  • Bjarne Sode Funch (Roskilde University), Templeton Fellow, "An Existential-Phenomenological Study of Artistic Creativity"
  • Ilana Gershon (Indiana University), Residential Fellow, "Getting a Job in the Digital Age"
  • Kevin G. Grove (University of Cambridge), Pampusch Scholar/Residential Fellow, "Memory and the Whole Christ: Augustine and the Psalms"
  • Tomáš Halík (Charles University), Templeton Fellow, "Afternoon of Christianity: How Can Christian Monotheism Keep Its Identity in Global Pluralistic ‘Post-Secular’ Civilization?"
  • Lawrence O. Hall (University of South Florida), Melchor Visiting Professor of Engineering/Residential Fellow, "Mining ‘Big Data’ for Small and Impactful Nuggets"
  • David Bentley Hart (St. Louis University), Templeton Fellow, "Mind and Nature, Soul and Machine"
  • Mary M. Keys (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Pride, Politics, and Philosophy: The City of God and Augustine’s Apologia for Humility"
  • Henrike Moll (University of Southern California), Templeton Fellow, "Towards a Transformative Account of Human Cognition"
  • Jaime M. Pensado (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Catholic Youth in Cold War Mexico"
  • Aleta Quinn (Smithsonian Institution; University of Pittsburgh), Residential Fellow, "Hypotheses and Inference in Biological Systematics"
  • Otto Santa Ana (University of California, Los Angeles), Templeton Fellow, "Toward Consilience in our Accounting of Human Laughter and Humor"


  • Margaret Abruzzo (University of Alabama), Residential Fellow, "Good People and Bad Behavior: Changing Views of Sin, Evil, and Moral Responsibility in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries"
  • Clifford Ando (University of Chicago), Residential Fellow, "Roman Social Imaginaries"
  • Lewis Ayres (Durham University), Pampusch Scholar/Residential Fellow, "Resting in the Word: The Origins and Future of the Catholic Scriptural Imagination"
  • Thadious M. Davis (University of Pennsylvania), Director's Fellow, "Imagination and the Space of Freedom"
  • Alyssa Dinega Gillespie (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Dangerous Verses: Alexander Pushkin and the Ethics of Inspiration"
  • Sabine Doering (University of Oldenburg), Residential Fellow, "Concepts of Blessing in Hölderlin’s Poetic Work"
  • Maxim Kantor (Independent Scholar and Artist), Director's Fellow, "Russia: Empire Upside Down"
  • Catherine Kavanagh (University of Limerick), Residential Fellow, "Eriugena’s Trinity: A Framework for Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue"
  • Susannah Monta (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Sacred Echoes: Repetitive Prayer and Reformation-Era Poetics"
  • Mark A. Noll (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "The Bible and American Public Life, 1789-1876"
  • Kimba Allie Tichenor (University of Chicago), Residential Fellow, "Gender Politics, European Catholicism, and the Global South: The Transformation of Faith, Culture, and Politics in the Twentieth Century"


  • Robert Audi (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "A Theory of Moral Conduct"
  • Justin Biddle (Georgia Institute of Technology), Residential Fellow, "Intellectual Property Rights and the Social Control of Information: The Case of Genetically Modified Seeds"
  • Brandon Gallaher (University of Oxford), Residential Fellow, "Primacy, Papacy and the Challenge of Secularism in Modern Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Theology"
  • Carl Gillett (Northern Illinois University), Residential Fellow, "Human Nature, Cognitive Neuroscience and Expansive Materialism: Exploring a New Approach to the Foundations of Neuroscience"
  • Douglas Hedley (University of Cambridge), Templeton Fellow, "The Iconic Imagination"
  • Cleo Kearns (New York University), Residential Fellow, "The Nature of Sacrifice: Ritual, Mind and Belief"
  • Scott M. Kenworthy (Miami University), Residential Fellow, "Patriarch Tikhon (Bellavin), the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Russian Revolution"
  • Daniel S. Malachuk (Western Illinois University), Residential Fellow, "A Higher Law: The Political Theory of American Transcendentalism"
  • Jonathan Marks (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Templeton Fellow, "How to Think about Human Evolution"
  • Gladden Pappin (Harvard University), Pampusch Scholar/Residential Fellow, "The Political Significance of Ecclesiastical Thought"
  • Scott Shackelford (Indiana University), Residential Fellow, "Governing the Global Commons in the Twenty-First Century"
  • James C. VanderKam (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "A Commentary on the Book of Jubilees"


  • Elise Berman (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Residential Fellow, “Learning How to Know: The Social Control of Goods and Information in the Marshall Islands”
  • Costica Bradatan (Texas Tech University), Residential Fellow, "Philosophy as an Art of Dying"
  • Vanessa Davies (University of Chicago), Residential Fellow, “Understanding Hetep in Ancient Egypt: The Social Aspects of Offering and Peace”
  • Michael Desch (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “The Professionalization of Social Science and the Decline of Public Intellectualism: The Case of National Security Studies”
  • Sabrina Ferri (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Temporal Ruinations: A History of Time in Italy, 1744-1836”
  • Vincent Lloyd (Syracuse University), Residential Fellow, "Black Natural Law"
  • Jacob L. Mackey (Queens College, CUNY), Residential Fellow, “Rethinking Roman Religion: Action, Practice, and Belief”
  • Vittorio Montemaggi (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Truth, Language, Love: The Theology of Dante's Commedia”
  • Hildegund Müller (University of Notre Dame ), Residential Fellow, “A Reading of Augustine's Sermons”
  • James Nolan (Williams College ), Pampusch Scholar/Residential Fellow, “What They Saw in America”
  • Federico Perelda (University of Bergamo), Residential Fellow, “The Ontology of Time: Towards a Dynamical Eternalism. Do Things Really Come Into and Out of Existence?”
  • Mark Roche (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Aesthetics of the Ugly”
  • Stefan Voigt (University of Hamburg), Residential Fellow, “Economic Effects of Judicial Systems: Normative Underpinnings and Policy Implications”


  • Mark Alfano (University of Oregon), Residential Fellow, “Factitious Virtue”
  • Martin Dimitrov (Tulane University), Residential Fellow, “Dictatorship and Information: Autocratic Resilience in Communist Europe and China”
  • Erwin Feyersinger (University of Innsbruck), Residential Fellow, “Augmented Reality as Animation Beyond Cinema and Television Screens”
  • Eugenia Gorogianni (University of Akron), Residential Fellow, “Women’s Dress and Socio-Cultural Identity in Late Bronze Age Aegean”
  • Jessica Hellmann (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Adapting to Climate Change: Managing Ecosystems in an Era of Human Culpability”
  • Slavica Jakelić (University of Virginia), Pampusch Scholar/Residential Fellow, “The Practice of Religious and Secular Humanisms”
  • Sabine MacCormack (University of Notre Dame ), Residential Fellow, “Natural Philosophy, History and Theology in the Writings of José de Acosta, S.J. (1540-1600)”
  • Elisabeth Mégier (Independent Scholar), Residential Fellow, “What is Salvation History? An Inquiry into Historiographical and Exegetical Texts of the Latin Church, from the Fathers to the Middle of the 12th Century”
  • Adriana Méndez Rodenas (University of Iowa), Residential Fellow, “From Paradise to Diaspora: Natural History in the Americas”
  • Atalia Omer (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “The Rhetoric of ‘No-Place’: Symbolic Diasporas and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict As a Trope”
  • Gabriel Paquette (Johns Hopkins University), Residential Fellow, “Cycles of Renewal and Collapse: Portugal and Brazil, c. 1780-1845”
  • Vasileios Syros (Academy of Finland at the Finnish Centre of Political Thought and Conceptual Change), Residential Fellow, “Giovanni Botero and the Beginnings of Comparative Politics in the West”
  • Joseph Wawrykow (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, “Jesus the ‘True Human’: Grace and Virtue in the Christology of Thomas Aquinas”


  • Karl Ameriks (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "Kant’s Elliptical Path: On the Stages, Limits, and Aftermath of Critical Philosophy"
  • Paolo Bernardini (University of Insubria), Residential Fellow, “Circa 1773: The Suppression of the Jesuits and the Destiny of Europe”
  • Francesco Berto (University of Aberdeen), Residential Fellow, “The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic: The Law of Non-Contradiction As Basic Knowledge”
  • W. Martin Bloomer (University of Notre Dame), Residential Fellow, "The Ecology of Ovid’s Metamorphoses"
  • Annelien de Dijn (University of Amsterdam), Residential Fellow, “The Conservative Enlightenment: Political Thought Before the Triumph of Democracy”
  • Carsten Dutt (University of Heidelberg), Residential Fellow, “Truth as a Value of Literature”
  • Roland Galle (University of Duisburg-Essen), Residential Fellow, “Invalidation and Construction of Norms in Moralist Literature”
  • Philipp Koralus (Princeton University), Residential Fellow, “Semantics and Pragmatics in Cognitive Science: The Open Instruction Theory of Attitude Report Sentences, Descriptions and the Necker Cube”
  • Ulrich L. Lehner (Marquette University), Pampusch Scholar/Residential Fellow, “The Theological Debates of the Catholic Enlightenment in Central Europe”
  • Libby Murphy (Oberlin College), Residential Fellow, “The French Great War Picaresque“
  • Alexis Torrance (University of Oxford), Residential Fellow, “A Critical Assessment of Patristic Precedents for Contemporary Theologies of the Person”