Mariusz Tabaczek, "Dispositional Metaphysics: In Search of Ontology for a Scientific Age"


Location: 1140 Flanner Hall

Mariusz Tabaczek O

Mariusz Tabaczek, O.P., a recent graduate from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA, with a Ph.D. in systematic and philosophical theology, presents on his research project, "Dispositional Metaphysics: In Search of Ontology for a Scientific Age," to an interdisciplinary group of scholars, artists, and scientists comprised of fellows, guest faculty and students. Dr. Tabaczek also holds an S.T.L. degree from the University of Poznan, Poland and is a member of the Thomistic Institute in Warsaw, Poland.

He specializes in science/theology dialogue, with a special emphasis on the role of philosophy. Areas of expertise include systematic theology, theology of divine action, philosophy of science, philosophy of biology, philosophy of causation, contemporary metaphysics in analytical tradition, and new Aristotelianism.

Dr. Tabaczek published articles in Theology and Science (2013, 2015), Zygon (2013), and the proceedings of the virtual conference on science and religion organized by the University of Constanta, Romania (2014). He co-authored two chapters for the new edition of Science and Religion: A Historical Introduction (ed. by Gary B. Ferngren; forthcoming). He is a reviewer for the journal Scientia et Fides.

Studying Astronomy Geometry

Dr. Tabaczek was awarded the GTU Newhall Teaching and Research Fellowship (2013), and the CTNS Charles T. Townes Graduate Student Fellowship in Theology and Science in 2014.