Leslie Lockett, "The Old English Soliloquies and Anglo-Saxon Constructions of Augustine of Hippo"


Location: 1140 Flanner Hall

Leslie Lockett

Leslie Lockett, Associate Professor of English and Associate Director of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Ohio State University, presents on her research project, "The Old English Soliloquies and Anglo-Saxon Constructions of Augustine of Hippo," to an interdisciplinary group of scholars, artists, and scientists comprised of fellows, guest faculty and students.

Her research specialties include Old English and Latin literature, early medieval intellectual history, medieval concepts of the mind-body relationship, and manuscript studies, as well as the cultural history of cheese production and consumption.

Professor Lockett’s first monograph, Anglo-Saxon Psychologies in the Vernacular and Latin Traditions (2011), was honored with the British Academy’s biennial Sir Israel Gollancz Prize (2013) and the Medieval Academy of America’s John Nicholas Brown Prize (2015). Professor Lockett has published essays on early medieval concepts of mind, cognitive approaches to literature, Latin retrograde verse, and the manuscript of Old English biblical poetry known as Oxford, Bodleian Library, Junius 11. For over fifteen years she has contributed entries to the Compendium auctorum latinorum medii aevi, a comprehensive encyclopedia of medieval Latin authors, and to Medioevo Latino, the annual bibliography of medieval Latin studies. She serves on the editorial boards of the Boydell and Brewer Anglo-Saxon Texts series and the journal Exemplaria: Medieval / Early Modern / Theory. Lockett’s next book, an edition and translation of the Old English Soliloquies and Augustine of Hippo’s Soliloquia, will appear in the Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library series.

Saint Augustine

Professor Lockett’s research and publications have been supported by grants from the Medieval Academy of America and from the College of Arts and Sciences at the Ohio State University.