Patrick Griffin, "The Age of Atlantic Revolution(s): An Interpretation"


Location: 1140 Flanner Hall (View on map )

Patrick Griffin

Patrick Griffin, the Madden-Hennebry Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame, presents on his research project, "The Age of Atlantic Revolution(s): An Interpretation," to an interdisciplinary group of scholars, artists, and scientists comprised of fellows, guest faculty and students. He specializes in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Atlantic history.

Professor Griffin is the author of several books on colonial America and early modern Irish and British history, including The People with No Name: Ireland’s Ulster Scots, America’s Scots Irish, and the Creation of a British Atlantic World (2001); American Leviathan: Empire, Nation, and Revolutionary Frontier (2007); America’s Revolution (2012); and The Townshend Moment: The Making of Empire and Revolution in the Eighteenth Century, forthcoming. His current manuscript project focuses on the age of Atlantic revolution. He is also editor of Experiencing Empire: Power, People, and Revolution in Early America(forthcoming) and, with Peter Onuf, co-editor of Between Sovereignty and Anarchy: The Politics of Violence in the American Revolutionary Era (2015).

Professor Griffin is the recipient of several awards, including grants and fellowships from the American Council for Learned Societies (2004-2005), the Huntington Library (2015), an Andrew Mellon Fellowship for the Study of Intellectual History (1997), and a Filson Fellowship (2001).