Henrike Lange, "Giotto’s Triumph: The Arena Chapel and the First Beginning of the Renaissance"


Location: 1140 Flanner Hall (View on map )

Henrike Lange

Henrike C. Lange, Assistant Professor of Italian Studies and History of Art at University of California, Berkeley, presents on her research project, "Giotto’s Triumph: The Arena Chapel and the First Beginning of the Renaissance," to an interdisciplinary group of scholars, artists, and scientists comprised of fellows, guest faculty and students. She specializes in European medieval and early modern art, architecture, visual culture, and literature in relation to the Mediterranean. She has a second area of expertise in nineteenth and twentieth century historiography, literature, and art in Europe and the United States. Her scholarship focuses on questions of perspective, narrative, medium, materiality, and spirituality in specific historical contexts. She is currently working on a monograph on Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel and the Roman Jubilee of 1300.

Professor Lange is the author of forthcoming book chapters and journal essays on relief effects in Donatello and Mantegna, funerary portraiture in the Italian Trecento, Cimabue and the challenge of materiality in Christian art, Giotto, Dante, the question of exile, translocated holy places, Botticelli, and relief theory. She has published on contemporary American and European sculpture and photography. She collaborated on the critical edition of François Lemée’s Traité des Statuës, Paris 1688 (eds. Diane H. Bodart and Hendrik Ziegler; 2012), and is the author of five articles on ancient Roman and early modern statuary, political iconography, architecture, and urban design. Lange serves as a reviewer for Renaissance Quarterly and Speculum. She has presented her research at the Renaissance Society of America, the International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Association of the Pacific, the California Interdisciplinary Consortium of Italian Studies, the Dante Society of America, and the Ferrari Symposium, as well as for the San Francisco Theological Seminary, Berkeley’s Episcopal Chaplaincy, and at leading universities and research institutes in the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and France. Professor Lange collaborates with the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, the Art History/Classics Library, and the Bancroft Library. Lange’s art historicalpractice and teaching are informed by her curatorial background and work experience in German, Italian, American, and British museum collections.

Professor Lange’s research has been supported by major fellowships and grants from Yale University, the Renaissance Society of America, the Yale University Art Gallery, the Yale Center for British Art, the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art in London, and UC Berkeley, including an award for Teaching Excellence and a Humanities Research Fellowship. She represented Yale University as speaker for the 2015 IFA/Frick Symposium on the History of Art, presented by The Frick Collection and the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University.