Alexandre Zagoskin, "Schrödinger's Elephants and Quantum Slide Rules: From Quantum Physics to Quantum Engineering"


Location: Flanner Hall (View on map )

Alexandre Zagoskin

Alexandre Zagoskin, Reader in Quantum Physics at Loughborough University, presents his research project, "Schrödinger's Elephants and Quantum Slide Rules: From Quantum Physics to Quantum Engineering," to an interdisciplinary group of scholars, artists, and scientists comprised of fellows, guest faculty, and students.

If you'd like to attend this event, please contact Carolyn Sherman at to confirm space availability.

Professor Zagoskin's main interest is the development of quantum engineering (the art and science of design, and the evaluation and optimisation of artificial quantum coherent structures) as a self-contained discipline with its specific subject, objectives, and methods. As a co-founder of D-Wave Systems Inc. (1999) and its first VP of Research and Chief Scientist, Professor Zagoskin was instrumental in developing the world’s first commercial quantum computing devices and remains involved in the field of superconducting quantum technologies.

He is the author of the first monograph on the subject, Quantum Engineering: Theory and Design of Quantum Coherent Structures (2011); a graduate text, Quantum Theory of Many-Body Systems: Techniques and Applications (1998; Japanese ed. 1999, 2012; 2nd ed., 2014); and a popular science book, Quantum Mechanics (2015). He has published over a hundred peer-reviewed articles on quantum condensed matter physics, quantum technology, and quantum computing, and is a co-author of 23 patents in this area. He is Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports (Quantum Physics) and Specialty Chief Editor for Frontiers in ICT (Quantum Computing).

Professor Zagoskin is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK). His research has been supported by grants from NSERC (Canada), EPSRC (UK), John Templeton Foundation, and a Maria Agnesi Fellowship from Loughborough University. He was a visiting research fellow at RIKEN (Japan), a member of the Steering Committee of the British Columbia Nanotechnology Alliance (Canada), and is currently is a member of the Advisory Board of the NEDO Quantum Annealing Project at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan).