Thomas Oord, Defining Love for Interdisciplinary Research on Human Flourishing


Location: Lecture – 155 DeBartolo Hall (View on map )


Thomas Jay OordThomas Jay Oord

Most people today affirm the central role of love for human flourishing. But what is love? Love can be defined variously in terms of desire, feelings, relationships, sex or romance, or as whatever produces well-being. Moreover, different disciplines provide their own often conflicting perspectives on love. Without a definition applicable across disciplines, it is difficult to see how significant progress can be made in understanding and promoting love research for human flourishing. Thomas Jay Oord offers and defends a definition of love he believes can propel love research across theological, scientific, and philosophical disciplines. 


Thomas Jay Oord is a theologian, philosopher, and scholar of multi-disciplinary studies. Oord is an award-winning author, having written or edited more than twenty books. A twelve-time faculty award-winning professor, he teaches at institutions around the globe. A gifted speaker, Oord is known for his contributions to research on love, open and relational theology, science and religion, and the implications of freedom and relationships for transformation. 

Free and open to the public. Light reception following.


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