Joshua Stuchlik, “Intention and Wrongdoing”


Location: Jenkins Nanovic Halls (View on map )

Joshua Stuchlik

Joshua Stuchlik, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of St. Thomas (MN), presents his research project, "Intention and Wrongdoing," to an interdisciplinary group of NDIAS Fellows, guest faculty, and students.

Stuchlik is a philosopher who specializes in ethics, action theory, and epistemology. In epistemology, his research focuses on skepticism and perceptual knowledge. In ethics, his current research explores the moral significance of intentions and reasons for action. His book project is entitled Intention and Wrongdoing. In it he will argue that intentions are relevant to the moral permissibility of conduct by providing a comprehensive defense of the principle of double effect.

Professor Stuchlik is the author of eight articles, which have appeared in journals such as the Journal of the History of Philosophy, the Journal of Moral PhilosophySynthese, and Philosophical Studies. He is assistant editor of the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly.  

He is the recipient of a Distinguished Early Career Grant from the University of St. Thomas and an Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies.