Laudato Si' at Notre Dame: Setting the Stage and Faculty Perspectives


Location: 215 McKenna Hall (View on map )

Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’ Encyclical raises urgent and complex questions about how our thinking about sustainability and the environment is inextricably linked with questions of justice, happiness, policy, and the meaning of our lives. This event will give participants a “crash course” in the key arguments and big ideas of the encyclical, provide insights from colleagues across the university whose teaching and research connect to the problems that Pope Francis outlines, and surface the work and opportunities that allow us to respond to this call at Notre Dame.

Moderated by Diogo Bolster, Professor and Henry Massman Department Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences; Associate Director of the Environmental Change Initiative, and Director of the Notre Dame Linked Experimental Ecosystem Facility, panelists will include the following faculty members:

  • Alex Dowling, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Rev. Terrence Ehrman, C.S.C., Assistant Teaching Professor of Theology
  • Jessica McManus Warnell, Associate Teaching Professor of Management and Organization
  • Rahul Oka, Associate Research Professor of Anthropology and Global Affairs
  • Jennifer Tank, Ludmilla F., Stephen J., and Robert T. Galla Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of the Environmental Change Initiative

The panel discussion will be located in 215 McKenna Hall and will be followed by a light reception.

This event is supported by Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, Notre Dame Research, and the Environmental Change Initiative. 

Originally published at