The Meaning of the Midterms


Location: Jordan Auditorium, Mendoza College of Business

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Join the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) for "The Meaning of the Midterms," a panel discussion with Notre Dame experts about the midterm election results and what they mean for the future of U.S. democracy.

Panelists include:

David Campbell: Packey J. Dee Professor of American Democracy, author of Why We Vote: How Schools and Communities Shape Our Civic Life (Princeton, 2006), and co-author of American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us (Simon and Schuster, 2010).

Carlos Lozada: 2022-2023 NDIAS Practitioner in Residence, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist in non-fiction criticism, and New York Times opinion writer for culture, politics, and books.

Ricardo Ramírez: Associate Professor of Political Science, Principal Investigator of a longitudinal study of gendered career paths among Latina/o elected officials since 1990, and co-editor of Transforming Politics, Transforming America: The Political and Civic Incorporation of Immigrants in the United States.

Christina Wolbrecht: Professor of Political Science and C. Robert and Margaret Hanley Family Director of the Notre Dame Washington Program, author of The Politics of Women’s Rights (Princeton 2000), and co-author of Counting Women's Ballots: Female Voters from Suffrage Through the New Deal (Cambridge 2016).

The event will conclude with live audience Q&A with the panelists.

Free and open to all. Refreshments served.