Call for 2017-2018 Coordinator for Undergraduate Research

Author: Grant Osborn '06, '09M.F.A.

Bugyis Grad

The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) invites advanced graduate students and post-doctoral scholars to apply to serve as the 2017-2018 Coordinator for Undergraduate Research at the NDIAS. Candidates should possess the skills and experience necessary to lead a vibrant community of talented undergraduate research assistants who support the work of Fellows in residence at the NDIAS. Those with an interdisciplinary background are especially encouraged to apply. The online application is available now; all application materials must be submitted by Tuesday, May 30, 2017.

Interested University of Notre Dame graduate students and post-doctoral scholars are invited to apply for the program using the online application available on the NDIAS website: Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the position, the application is open to graduate students and post-soctoral scholars from all disciplines and fields.

This position is classified by the University as a teaching fellowship; the Coordinator will have the opportunity to gain experience teaching and mentoring undergraduates, working with an interdisciplinary community of scholars, and developing greater insight into higher education administration. The Coordinator will receive a stipend of $22,500 (gross amount, for nine months and based on a typical schedule of 18 hours per week), a shared office at the NDIAS, which includes a standard PC computer and printer, and participate in the academic life of the Institute. In some cases, additional opportunities during the summer may be possible.

All applications must include the following: (a) a completed Coordinator for Undergraduate Research online application form; (b) a cover letter that addresses the reasons for the applicant’s interest in this position, and whether the applicant is scheduled to receive any University support during the 2017-2018 academic year; (c) a current curriculum vitae (including your full contact information with e-mail address, telephone number, and mailing address); (d) a chronological list of research and other assistantships, the faculty with whom you’ve worked, academic scholarships, awards, and prizes; (e) a statement of qualifications for this position that addresses the following questions, with each answer no more than 500-650 words per response:

  1. What, in your opinion, are the most essential skills to be developed in undergraduate researchers, especially those aspiring to enter graduate school?
  2. Explain your current research/dissertation and why it is significant.
  3. Explain your experience working with undergraduates and what you have learned from these experiences.
  4. Explain your most instructive experiences working as a research assistant (if not applicable, working as a researcher) and how these experiences have influenced your understanding of the academic life, your research, and how you teach.
  5. Which books or articles have been the most influential on your own research and your understanding of the academic life?

and (f) contact information (full name, title, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number) for two faculty references who are familiar with your academic work, teaching (if applicable) and your skills and capabilities for mentoring and instructing undergraduate students in an interdisciplinary environment and as part of a collaborative team (no letters of recommendation are required).

This position reports to Dr. Don Stelluto, Associate Director of the NDIAS. Applicants are encouraged to review the Frequently Asked Questions page before applying; additional questions about the program may be directed to Dr. Stelluto at