Dale Jamieson, Environmental Philosopher and Bioethicist, to Lecture on Climate Change Book

Author: Grant Osborn '06, '09M.F.A.


The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) is pleased to announce a public lecture by Dale Jamieson, Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy at New York University, on his book Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed — and What It Means for Our Future. A book signing of Jamieson’s new release, Love in the Anthropocene (co-authored with Bonnie Nadzam), to follow the lecture.

The lecture will be held on Thursday, October 1 at 4:00 p.m. in 102 DeBartolo Hall.

Questions regarding Professor Jamieson’s lecture may be directed to Don Stelluto, Associate Director at the NDIAS (dstellut@nd.edu).

Originally published by Grant Osborn ’06, ’09M.F.A. at ndias.nd.edu on September 17, 2015.