Henrike Moll to Lead Workshop on "Becoming Human: Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Stories"

Author: Grant Osborn '06, '09M.F.A.


On Monday, March 21 and Tuesday, March 22, Henrike Moll, 2015-2016 Templeton Fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS), leads a two-day Templeton Workshop entitled “Becoming Human: Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Stories about the Emergence of the Human Mind.”

In this Templeton Workshop, Professor Henrike Moll will explore the emergence of the human mind, as demonstrated through scientific investigations and philosophical inquiries, and the origins of perspective-taking. This workshop brings together scholars from anthropology, history and philosophy of science, philosophy, and psychology to examine critical questions that address topics such as the emergence of imagination, "second nature," sentience, sociobiology, and kinship in human evolution, as well as the human-animal horizon.

This workshop is sponsored by the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, with generous funding from the John Templeton Foundation.

Monday, March 21
•12:00 pm — Introduction
Presenter: Henrike Moll, Templeton Fellow at the NDIAS
•12:15 pm  — Imagination 
Presenter: Agustín Fuentes, University of Notre Dame
Respondent: Jeffrey Peterson, University of Notre Dame
•2:30 pm — Acquiring a Second Nature
Presenter: David Bakhurst, Queen’s University, Canada
Respondent: Sebastian Rödl, University of Leipzig, Germany
•4:00 pm — Humans Do Not Become Human
Presenter: Andrea Kern, University of Leipzig, Germany
Respondent: Henrike Moll, Templeton Fellow at the NDIAS

Tuesday, March 22
•9:30 am — On Purpose: Sociobiology and Sentience
Presenter: Michael Ruse, Florida State University
Respondent: Phillip Sloan, University of Notre Dame
•11:00 am — Human Form of Life
Presenter: Sebastian Rödl, University of Leipzig, Germany
Respondent: Andrea Kern, University of Leipzig, Germany
•1:15 pm — Who is Part of Me? The Emergence of Kinship in Human Evolution
Presenter: Jonathan Marks, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Respondent: Lane DesAutels, University of Notre Dame
•2:30 pm — Drilling Down on Homologies: How Far Does Evolutionary Relationship Explain the Human-Animal Horizon?
Presenter: Phillip Sloan, University of Notre Dame
Respondent: Michael Ruse, Florida State University
•4:00 pm — General Discussion
Presenter: Henrike Moll, Templeton Fellow at the NDIAS


Originally published by Grant Osborn ’06, ’09M.F.A. at ndias.nd.edu on March 16, 2016.