Institute for Ethics and the Common Good announces 2024-2025 cohort of Undergraduate Ethics Research Fellows

Author: Laura Moran Walton

14 circle shaped headshots of undergraduate fellows

The Institute for Ethics and the Common Good (formerly known as the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study) has selected 13 Notre Dame sophomores to join its Ethics Research Fellowship (ERF) program through a competitive process that assessed each applicant’s research potential, interdisciplinary interest, and commitment to collaboration. These students will join ten 2023-2024 ERFs who are beginning their second year in the program and their junior year at Notre Dame.

The Ethics Research Fellowship program is an immersive, three-year mentorship experience that equips undergraduate students to creatively harness contemporary moral theory and the analytical tools of their major to carry out ambitious research that pushes forward major ethical debates. Through community, coaching, weekly ethics research seminars, and international travel, each ERF is trained to identify and grow an excellent thesis project that aligns with their interests and contributes to the scholarly discourse of their field. Together, ERFs develop their sense of purpose and character for wisely engaging the pressing moral issues of our time.

“With the financial support of the Lilly Foundation and Wake Forest’s Educating Character Initiative, we are thrilled to be able to expand our ERF program to a three-year research and character development experience, with unique activities for sophomores, juniors, and seniors,” said Jeff Tolly, ECG Assistant Director of Educational Initiatives. “We can’t wait to witness the unique personal growth and community-shaping ethics research of our students.”

Undergraduate fellows receive a stipend for their participation in the program and are incorporated into ECG's roster of events and activities for the year, including guest lectures, research workshops, film screenings, and community gatherings. Also, ERFs receive a funded Fall break research vision trip to an international location during their sophomore year in the program.


Jada Bautista - Psychology, Visual Communication Design
Juan Becdach - Philosophy
Ethan Chiang - Business Analytics, Global Affairs
Shivani Gutierrez - Global Affairs, Philosophy
Matthew LaPorte - Theology, Pre-Professional Studies
Anastasia Leyendecker - Classics, Pre-Professional Studies
Ziyin (Lisa) Luo - Sociology, Economics
Luke Reynolds - Neuroscience and Behavior, Philosophy
Suzanne Santiago - Psychology
Katharine Steffes - Anthropology
Nicholas Swiderski - Philosophy
Dani Tutani - Economics, Constitutional Studies
Annabel Wehrle - Program of Liberal Studies


Meera Bhakta - Science Pre-Professional Studies, International Development Studies
Kaden Cunningham - Anthropology, Sustainability
Elena Ding - Philosophy, Physics
Marcelo Guzman Aguirre - Economics, Spanish
Jun Wei Lee - History, Philosophy
Edward Nagler - Political Science, Business Economics
Melissa Osorio - Sociology, Latino Studies
Nazwin Palines - Theology, Philosophy
Miriam Rice - Music, Program of Liberal Studies
James Thompson - Sociology, Peace Studies

Learn more about ECG's undergraduate ethics research fellowship program at


The Institute for Ethics and the Common Good (ECG) facilitates interdisciplinary research in foundational and applied ethics, coordinates projects that cross departments and units, and supports ethics-related education and public engagement efforts. ECG is a signature element of the Ethics Initiative, one of several University-wide strategic efforts that draw on expertise from multiple colleges, schools, centers, and institutes in order to make the most meaningful contributions to questions of national and international concern.