Join Our Team: The NDIAS is Hiring Two Staff Positions

Author: Kristian Olsen

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The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study is hiring an Assistant Director of Educational Initiatives and an Events & Fellowship Program Manager.

The Assistant Director of Educational Initiatives will be responsible for developing and directing five initiatives under the auspices of the Institute: the Undergraduate Research Fellows (URF) Program, the Distinguished Ph.D. Fellows Program, the NDIAS Teaching Lab, grant and program development, and support of the Institute’s Academic Mission. Applications for this position are due by April 14, 2022. Learn more and apply at

The Events & Fellowship Program Manager position will lead our team in envisioning, planning, and hosting events that are central to the culture and community of our fellowship programs. The Program Manager is also responsible for integrating our fellows into the broader university community, guiding them from the moment they accept the fellowship through the conclusion of their year. Applications for this position are due by April 22, 2022. Learn more and apply at