Meet Our 2017-2018 Class of Fellows

Author: Grant Osborn '06, '09M.F.A.

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We at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study are pleased to announce our 2017-2018 Class of Director's, Residential, and Graduate Student Fellows, with research spanning more than a dozen disciplines in the arts, humanities, and natural and social sciences, including anthropology, art history, biochemistry, cosmology, film studies, German, history, literature, Medieval studies, musicology, philosophy, physics, religious studies and theology, among others. For more information on our fellows and their projects, please view their respective bio pages on the NDIAS website.

Susan Blum

Susan D. Blum

University of Notre Dame

Residential Fellow (Fall 2017)

"Wellbeing, Suffering, and Schooling"

Harvey Brown

Harvey Brown

University of Oxford

Residential Fellow (Spring 2018)

"New Problems in the Philosophy of Physics"

Eric Chaisson

Eric J. Chaisson

Harvard University and Smithsonian Institution

Director's Fellow (Spring 2018)

"Giving Back: Cosmology Applications for Human Society"

Francis Clooney

Francis X. Clooney, S.J.

Harvard Divinity School

Residential Fellow (Spring 2018)

"Two Experiments Leading from (Hindu) Ritual to (Christian) Theology"

Xinyu Dong

Xinyu Dong

University of Chicago

Residential Fellow (2017-2018)

"Ernst Lubitsch Goes to China: The Art of Ellipsis in the Age of World Cinema"

Patrick Griffin

Patrick Griffin

University of Notre Dame

Residential Fellow (Fall 2017)

"The Provincial Imagination: Mapping the Eighteenth Century through Britain’s Provincial Artists"

Tomas Halik

Tomáš Halík

Charles University

Director's Fellow (Fall 2017)

"The Theological Hermeneutics of Contemporary History"

Luc Jaeger

Luc Jaeger

University of California, Santa Barbara

Residential Fellow (2017-2018)

"Zoe, Bios, Psyche, and the Quest for True Life"

Robin Jensen

Robin M. Jensen

University of Notre Dame

Residential Fellow (Spring 2018)

"The Intercessory Image: Christians and the Potency of Material Objects"

Claire Jones

Claire Taylor Jones

University of Notre Dame

Residential Fellow (Spring 2018)

"Legislation and Liturgy: The Dominican Observant Reform in Fifteenth-Century Nürnberg"

Henrike Lange

Henrike Christiane Lange

University of California, Berkeley

Residential Fellow (2017-2018)

"Giotto’s Triumph: The Arena Chapel and the First Beginning of the Renaissance"

Janice Martin

Janice G. Martin

University of Notre Dame

Graduate Student Fellow (2017-2018)

"Hooves, Harnesses, and Healing: Equine Medicine and Stewardship in Early Modern Castile"

Bernard Mcginn

Bernard McGinn

University of Chicago

Residential Fellow (Fall 2017)

"Mysticism in Catholic Italy, Germany, and France, 1500-1650"

Tom Mcleish

Tom McLeish, FRS

Durham University

Director's Fellow (Fall 2017)

"The Poetry and Music of Science: A Comparison of Creativity in the Arts and Sciences"

Finola Prendergast

Finola Prendergast

University of Notre Dame

Graduate Student Fellow (2017-2018)

"Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Moral Discourse in Contemporary U.S. Literature"

Kaya Sahin

Kaya Şahin

Indiana University

Residential Fellow (Fall 2017)

"A Performative Empire: Ottoman Imperial Ceremonies, 1520-1566"

Elaine Stratton Hild

Elaine Stratton Hild

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Residential Fellow (Spring 2018)

"Historical Uses of Palliative Music: Recovering Melodic Material from European Rites for the Sick and Dying"