Notre Dame-IBM Tech Ethics Lab Announces Award Winners From Second Annual CFP

Author: Tech Ethics Lab

the words "Call for Proposals" above an image of a megaphone and then the words "Awards Announcement," with the Lab's circular logo in three spots in the background

Following the release of its second annual Call for Proposals (CFP) in August, the Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab today (Dec. 15) announced nearly 20 projects that have been selected for awards. The lab will provide more than $930,000 in total funding to this year’s winners.

The 2022–23 CFP is focused on the theme of “Auditing AI,” with the call making up the research component of the Lab’s broader Auditing AI Initiative. Project teams, who represent nine countries and every continent but Antarctica, will produce deliverables such as training modules, proof-of-concept tools, and audit frameworks related to the use of AI in areas ranging from education and medicine to hiring processes and the delivery of social services.

“The Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab is thrilled to support a distinguished set of projects that will define the newly emerging field of AI auditing," said Erin Klawitter, the lab’s associate director. “We believe the deliverables from these proposals will clarify best practices that will support practitioners and policymakers as they seek to develop and regulate artificial intelligence.”

“To unlock the potential of data to change our world for the better, society must maintain trust in AI systems,” said Betsy Greytok, IBM Vice President, Ethics & Policy, and co-director of the Notre Dame-IBM Tech Ethics Lab. “AI auditing is a key component of a holistic AI strategy that helps identify any risks such a system may pose and helps to maximize fairness and accuracy.”

Projects will be undertaken and completed throughout 2023, and final deliverables will be accessible through the lab’s website.

Read Abstracts of the Projects

The lab’s inaugural CFP, which awarded more than $500,000 in funding to 27 proposals this past January, focused on six core themes related to the ethics of: scale, automation, identification, prediction, persuasion, and adoption. Deliverables from those projects will be linked from the 2021–22 CFP page in the coming months.

Originally published by Tech Ethics Lab at on December 15, 2022.