Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study announces call for 2021-2022 fellows on resilience

Author: Brandi Wampler

Researchers from institutions around the globe can now apply for the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study’s 2021-2022 Faculty Fellowship Program. The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) awards 10-15 faculty fellowships annually to scholars, scientists, social scientists, engineers, and artists of varied disciplines. Faculty fellows will live and work at the University of Notre Dame and pursue their research in the NDIAS’s interdisciplinary community.

Applicants to the Faculty Fellowship Program will be required to submit research proposals that address the designated 2021-2022 research theme: Resilience.

“We’ve been working with faculty across the university to identify our 2021 research theme, and we are thrilled to assemble a world-class team of scholars to study the different ways systems adapt and resist change and to discover insights that will guide policy and design,” said Meghan Sullivan, director of the NDIAS and the Rev. John A. O’Brien Collegiate Professor of Philosophy. “Our theme could not be more timely as governments, health systems, communities, and individuals seek insight and meaning in a time of unprecedented challenges. We look forward to recruiting an outstanding cohort of external faculty fellows to join our own Notre Dame faculty, PhD students, and undergraduate researchers at the Institute.”

Applicants to the program are invited to consider how organisms, people, species, and social structures adapt or fail to adapt to novel challenges and the ethical implications of such adaptation. Research projects can explore resilience at different durations and scales, or might consider novel ways of translating models of resilience from one disciplinary domain to another.  

Faculty fellows can receive up to half their salary per academic year, subsidized housing, a research allowance of up to $500 per semester, and a private office at the NDIAS. The NDIAS also provides up to two undergraduate research assistants from Notre Dame to each of its faculty fellows, if desired.

Faculty fellows typically have a faculty appointment at their home institution, but these fellowships are also open to independent researchers, postdoctoral scholars, and those who have recently received their PhD (or equivalent) degree. Scholars from other institutions, researchers at national laboratories, fellows from other institutes, as well as faculty from Notre Dame, are invited to apply.

Applications are due by Monday, October 5, 2020. For more details on the Faculty Fellowship Program or to apply, please visit

Each year, the NDIAS convenes an interdisciplinary group of faculty fellows, top doctoral candidates, and undergraduate scholars to study questions that require a joint focus, benefit from sustained research and discussion, and advance our understanding on core issues that affect our ability to lead valuable, meaningful lives. To learn more, please visit


Kristian Olsen / Fellowships, Outreach, and Operations Program Manager

Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study / University of Notre Dame / 574.631.2830 / @NotreDameIAS

About Notre Dame Research:

The University of Notre Dame is a private research and teaching university inspired by its Catholic mission. Located in South Bend, Indiana, its researchers are advancing human understanding through research, scholarship, education, and creative endeavor in order to be a repository for knowledge and a powerful means for doing good in the world. For more information, please see or @UNDResearch.