Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study fellowship applications due September 17

Author: Brandi Klingerman

Ndias Call For Fellows 2019 2020

The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) welcomes applications for their 2019 – 2020 fellowship program. Two types of fellowships, the residential fellowship and graduate student fellowship, are available through the program and available to applicants from universities and institutions around the world. Interested scholars must apply online by midnight on September 17, 2018.

In discussing the value of the NDIAS fellowship program, Brad S. Gregory, director of the NDIAS and Dorothy G. Griffin Professor of Early Modern European History, said, “At the NDIAS, our goal is to bring together outstanding scholars and scientists who, regardless of their particular expertise, seek to relate the analytical and descriptive aspects of their research to normative and ethical questions.  Consistent with the Catholic intellectual tradition, mere interdisciplinarity is not enough—NDIAS seeks fellows with a commitment to the integral character of all knowledge in principle, and a desire to become part of a residential scholarly community, participation in which enhances the individual work of each fellow.”

NDIAS welcomes applications from academic faculty, independent scholars, public intellectuals, and professional researchers in all disciplines, including the arts, engineering, humanities, law, social sciences, and natural sciences for its residential fellowships. Those interested may apply either for one semester or a full academic year, with shorter stays sometimes possible by special arrangement. 

Likewise, NDIAS encourages applications from eligible graduate students in all disciplines, including the arts, engineering, humanities, law, social sciences, and natural sciences, whose interests and ambitions align with the Institute’s objectives. Graduate student fellows participate in the program for a full academic year.  

To learn more about the NDIAS fellowship program, including eligibility requirements, our alumni fellows, and to access the online application, please visit


Kristian Olsen / Fellowships, Outreach, and Operations Program Manager

Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study / University of Notre Dame / 574.631.2830 / @NotreDameIAS

About Notre Dame Research:

The University of Notre Dame is a private research and teaching university inspired by its Catholic mission. Located in South Bend, Indiana, its researchers are advancing human understanding through research, scholarship, education, and creative endeavor in order to be a repository for knowledge and a powerful means for doing good in the world. For more information, please see or @UNDResearch.

Originally published by Brandi Klingerman at on August 17, 2018.