Postdoc Georgina Curto Rex Wins AI for Good Best Project Award

Author: Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center

Georgina Curto Rex (right) and Nieves Montes receive the certificate for their best project award
Georgina Curto Rex (right) and Nieves Montes receive the certificate for their best project award at the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Georgina Curto Rex, a postdoctoral fellow at the Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center (ND TEC), and several coauthors won the AI for Good Track Project Award at the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence held in Vienna from July 23–29.

The team was recognized for their project “A Norm Optimisation Approach to SDGs: Tackling Poverty by Acting on Discrimination,” which proposes to develop a social simulation “that could help inform and guide a new generation of policymaking for poverty reduction” by reducing discrimination against the poor. As the project is concerned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, it would follow the UN “Leave No One Behind” principle.

Focusing her research on AI ethics, particularly as it relates to bias and discrimination against the poor, Curto conducted the work for this project as a doctoral student in a joint program offered by the Universities of Ramon Llull (IQS School of Management), Pontificia Comillas (ICADE), and Deusto. She earned her Ph.D. in AI ethics earlier this year and joined ND TEC this summer.

Curto’s coauthors on the paper are Nieves Montes, Nardine Osman, and Carles Sierra of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute in Barcelona and Flavio Comim from Ramon Llull and the University of Cambridge.

Originally published by Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center at on August 03, 2022.