Tech Ethics Postdoc Named Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley’s Kavli Center

Author: Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center

Georgina Curto Rex

Georgina Curto Rex, a postdoctoral fellow at the Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center (ND TEC) who specializes in applied AI, has been appointed as a visiting scholar at the Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public at the University of California, Berkeley. Her appointment will begin in mid-May and run until shortly before the fall 2023 semester starts at Notre Dame.

The mission of the Kavli Center is to provide an inclusive, democratic, and multidisciplinary framework for understanding the ethical implications of science and technology. Curto will use her time in residence to present her work to the Kavli Center community while exploring opportunities for ongoing collaboration with the center’s scholars.

Focusing on issues of fairness and inclusion, she pursues projects that aim to create new paths for poverty reduction by taking advantage of the insights offered by AI, design AI systems that counteract inequality, and, more broadly, advance interdisciplinary research towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Curto joined ND TEC in summer 2022 after earning her Ph.D. in AI ethics in a joint program offered by the Universities of Ramon LLull (IQS School of Management), Deusto, and Pontificia Comillas (ICADE). Her position at Notre Dame is generously supported by the Notre Dame-IBM Tech Ethics Lab.

Originally published by Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center at on March 27, 2023.