The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study Announces its 2018-2019 Call for Fellows

Author: Grant Osborn '06, '09M.F.A.

University of Notre Dame, Institute for Advanced Study

The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) is pleased to announce its 2018-2019 Call for Fellows in all disciplines, including the arts, engineering, humanities, law, and formal, natural, and social sciences. The Institute seeks scholars, artists, and scientists with excellent records of accomplishment pursuing outstanding, innovative research that addresses major questions linking multiple areas of inquiry and explores the relationship between the descriptive and the normative. Fellows live and work at the University of Notre Dame in a residential intellectual community for periods ranging from three weeks to a full academic year (fall and spring semesters, August through May) pursuing their research projects while in sustained dialogue across disciplinary divides. Inspired by the classical values of truth, goodness, and beauty, the NDIAS challenges its Fellows to address fundamental and enduring questions about life, meaning, and purpose in relationship to their particular research projects, to examine how their findings might influence the world in positive and concrete ways, and to think through the ethical implications of their research.

Contemporary scholarship tends to proceed by means of specific disciplinary questions that have produced an ever-proliferating expansion of specialized knowledge, with no end in sight. But the need remains to ask ultimate questions, to reflect morally, to relate inquiry about fact and value, and to pose questions about how the vast expanse of different types of knowledge—about the natural world, human behavior, the complex products of human culture, and first-person experiences—are related to one another. Human beings are at once systems of matter-energy, biological organisms in ecosystems, adaptive social beings, engineers of technological advances, makers of laws and institutions, writers of literature and poetry, economic producers and consumers, and historical participants in traditions and civilizations. How are all of these realities connected? How should we seek to understand them in relationship to one another? The NDIAS is rooted in a substantive yet non-exclusivist understanding of the Catholic intellectual tradition that seeks to pursue truth wherever and by whatever methods it is to be found. The vigorous, twice-weekly seminars of the NDIAS provide a structured setting for shared discussion and dialogue among the Fellows engaged in this common endeavor, whatever the particularities of their training or the specificity of their research, together constituting a residential intellectual community whose members care about enduring questions that matter.

The Institute welcomes applications for its residential fellowships from faculty, scholars, scientists, artists, public intellectuals, fellows from other institutes, and professional researchers in all disciplines; the Institute also offers graduate student fellowships. All those with promising and appropriate projects, whether distinguished and established or beginning a career, are invited to apply. Fellows receive stipends up to $60,000, subsidized housing, research funding, a faculty office, and multiple opportunities for engagement with other scholars and faculty at the University of Notre Dame. For additional information, as well as links to the online application, please visit To learn more about the Institute or view profiles of Fellows, please visit the NDIAS website. Should you have any questions after visiting the website, please contact the NDIAS Associate Director, Donald Stelluto (, or Events and Fellowships Program Manager, Carolyn Sherman ( The application deadline is October 16, 2017.