Two NDIAS Undergraduates Publish Op-Eds in the South Bend Tribune

Author: Kristian Olsen

Probst And Buitrago Red Size

2021-2022 Undergraduate Research Fellows Charlotte Probst and María Camila León Buitrago have each published op-eds in The South Bend Tribune. The op-eds were developed as part of their Spring undergraduate research seminar at the NDIAS.

Probst's op-ed, "A Spectacle of Nature in Our Backyard: Thousands of Birds Return to Notre Dame," discusses her work studying chimney sweep roosts on the Notre Dame campus and throughout the U.S. Buitrago's piece, "I Studied Language Barriers in a Local School District. Here's What I Found," discusses her research on language barriers in schools in Elkhart, IN.

The Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF) Program at the NDIAS offers exposure to interdisciplinary research methods, training in public communication, and professionalization advice for up to 10 Notre Dame undergraduates each year. URFs are given opportunities to meet with NDIAS Faculty and Distinguished Graduate Fellows and serve as research assistants. The URF Program is designed to increase fellows’ interdisciplinary literacy and expand their peer and professional networks. Learn more at