Vote for the Institute for Advanced Study for ND Day and be Eligible for Maxim Kantor Painting!

Author: Grant Osborn '06, '09M.F.A.





Give and Vote for the Institute for Advanced Study as part of the 2nd annual Notre Dame Day celebrations and be eligible to receive a painting of Our Lady by Maxim Kantor, internationally-known Russian artist and Director’s Fellow at the NDIAS this semester.

Tune in to the live broadcast at 11 am on Monday, April 27th on to watch Maxim Kantor create the painting of Our Lady LIVE. You can become eligible to receive Maxim Kantor’s painting by sending the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study an email at, following us on twitter @NotreDameIAS, or voting for us on Notre Dame Day.

Originally published by Grant Osborn ’06, ’09M.F.A. at on April 24, 2015.