Winter 2015 Issue of NDIAS Quarterly Now Available!

Author: Grant Osborn '06, '09M.F.A.


The Winter 2015 issue of the NDIAS Quarterly is now available, featuring scholarly discourse, Institutional news, and the ongoing research of our current and alumni fellows. In this issue, Mark Roche connects “The Ugly and Christianity”; Joseph Wawrykow discusses “Aquinas on Human Flourishing”; Cyril O’Regan explores theology, beauty, and the arts in “Premodern Ratio: Dante as a Point of Concentration”; Mary Kinzie explains “‘The Air of These’: Dimension and Gladness in Literary Art”; Margaret Garvey examines “Theatre History’s Blind-spot: The Dramatic Side of Thomism”; and Maxim Kantor reviews the “faces and masks” in his art and writing. To view the digital edition, click here. To receive a print version of the quarterly, free of charge, please subscribe here.

Originally published by Grant Osborn ’06, ’09M.F.A. at on March 20, 2015.