Workshop to Focus on the Relationship of Body and Mind in Late Antique Philosophy and Theology

Author: Grant Osborn '06, '09M.F.A.


On Friday, April 22, in the McGlinn Family Room in Visitation Hall, Diego De Brasi, 2015-2016 NDIAS Fellow, and Gretchen Reydams-Schils, Director of the Notre Dame Workshop on Ancient Philosophy, will lead an all-day workshop entitled, “Noûs – Psykhé – Sôma: The relationship of body and mind in late antique philosophy and theology.”

Friday, April 22
9:00 AM — Introduction
Diego De Brasi, University of Marburg, Germany
Gretchen Reydams-Schils, University of Notre Dame
9:15 AM — Background: Aristotle
Sean Kelsey, University of Notre Dame
10:45 AM — Medicine: Galen
Jim Hankinson, University of Texas at Austin
11:45 AM — Neoplatonism I: Plotinus
Sara Magrin, University of California, Berkeley
2:00 PM — Neoplatonism II: Calcidius
Gretchen Reydams-Schils, University of Notre Dame
3.00 PM — Christianity: Greek Patristics
David B. Hart, Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study
4:30 PM — Between Christianity and Paganism: Nemesius of Emesa
Diego De Brasi, University of Marburg, Germany
5:30 PM — Final remarks

The workshop is sponsored by the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, the Notre Dame Workshop on Ancient Philosophy, and the History and Philosophy of Science Graduate Program and the Philip S. and Joan C. Coogan Endowment for Excellence in the History of Medicine, in the Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values.

Open to faculty, staff, and students with registration. Those interested should contact Carolyn Sherman (574-631-1305; at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study.


Originally published by Grant Osborn ’06, ’09M.F.A. at on April 18, 2016.